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M-Lab: Managerial Labs

The project aims to know and develop managers’ soft skills in order to effectively cover their roles and increase their awareness and performance.


Training Workshops

The project aims to reinforce the participants’ soft skills and Empowermentthrough training laboratories composed of people coming from different organisational areas.


Managerial skills development path

The project aims to develop participants managerial skills, in order to effectively cover the leadership role within the Company and effectively manage their people.


Executive Labs

The project aims to provide the Management Team with the strategic vision in order to achieve the organisational objectives, reinforce the team spirit and the Empowerment, implement managerial levers to ensure the organisational success.


Performance Management

The project aims to define a Performance Management process, in order to improve individuals’ performances and increase business results. The Performance Management system was designed and the Managers were trained.



The project aims to launch a Mentoring programme within the Company to support a pool of Talents, training Mentors in Italy and abroad in order to improve the competencies to be effective guides and support the Talents, sharing organisational values.


Young People Project

The project aims to know young Talents within the Company and reinforce their skills through Development initiatives and Training path.


Assessment Centre Middle Managers

The project aims to know the competencies, potential and motivation of managers within the Company, in order to suggest development actions and career orientation.

